Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lather, Rinse, and (especially) Repeat.

This morning, Jack was giving Chloe his affections in a suprisingly gentle manner, and she was contentedly allowing him to pet her. Usually, she tolerates his attention for a minute or so before escaping to the basement when he gets too rough. This time, though, he continued gently stroking her fur. Tentatively, hopefully, offering some positive reinforcement, I said "Oh! Look how nice you are being with the kitty!.."

He smiled sweetly up at me and said "I'm pretending to wash her. Hand me the soap, please."

A few minutes later he came up, tapped me on the shoulder (to show me the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer DVD he was holding) and said, "Hey Mommy, Sweetie? I need to watch this on your laptop."

The child has got to stop watching me so closely. And listening, too, for that matter. His father will never forgive me if he grows up obsessed with celebrity trivia and completely incapable of properly frying an egg.

Then again, this trend could come in handy....If only I could teach him to do laundry.

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