Thursday, July 13, 2006

Going Under, Coming Up

Not that I technically went anywhere, but nonetheless I am back. My parents were here for a few days, and got to see the glory that is Toby for the first time, live and in person. They were understandably weak-kneed at the experience, and we spent a few days mostly lounging and chatting about the pleasant things that adults and their parents chat about.

Noticeably absent from the conversation was any mention by me of the fact that I have officially resigned the religion of my upbringing.

In the end, I decided that it was best to just enjoy the rare visit while they were here, and break the news to them later - when they'll have time to deal with their own fallout - without being on the spot and having to figure out what to say to the news. All in all, I think it was for the best.

And so, to anyone still here with me, I say... (and now for something completely different)...

I am totally and completely addicted to "So You Think You Can Dance".

There. I've said it. And I don't care who knows it. Just don't attempt to get me to discuss it in public, because I will deny, deny, deny.

I love the cheesy judges, including Nigel-the-token-brit. I love the overly dramatic tone of the whole thing, the indefensible sentimentality of the video montage for the booted contestants, the ridiculousness of the whole concept of a competition around every conceivable form of dance rolled into one.

I especially love that the "winner" gets a one year contract to be a backup dancer in Celine Dion's Vegas show. It's like winning a job cleaning the cages at the zoo.... useful, and sure you get to hang with the animals, but the whole thing leaves a lingering stink on you...

In the midst of the Entertainment Death Valley that is Summertime television, it's good to know that at least two nights a week I have a reason to tune in to something in prime time.

If I admit that I spend most of the other nights working on crochet and knitting, will it seem that I have TOTALLY lost my edge???? What if I listen to The Killers while I do it... does that help at all??? Or not? ... I guess not. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Whatever, you've go the edge baby. Slice!

Ain't my wife the best? -t.

Kimba said...

It's a phenomenon that can't be stopped. I too, am in love with the show, despite all the social repercussions. There is hope though, though not till Fall....