Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Entirely Useless Information

  • I just successfully spilled 3 drops of diet pepsi on my brand new white shirt. First time out of the drawer.
  • It just now dawned on me, as I was paying bills, how odd the person at our bank must think it when they process the payment made out to "Weed Man". I took a moment to imagine that the cashier gives the check a discreet sniff, which made me blow air out my nose in a most ungenteel sound of amusement.
  • My now 3-year-old son didn't even start crawling until he was 10 months old. Which was fine by me. His little brother, though? At 9 months has been crawling for over a month and, the last week or so, started pulling up on anything he wants to. Which means he will quite possibly be walking soon. I think I need a hug. And a Xanax.
  • Gummy Worms are Good.
  • I'm looking around at all the leftover inflated balloons from Jack's birthday and debating whether to pop them one by one or draw faces on them and pretend they are my evil henchmen. And order them matching jumpsuits.
  • Note to self: that second cup of coffee might have been a mistake.
  • My house is still full of flies from Saturday. There are 6 of them dead on the fly paper (which is disgusting, by the way) and at least that many more still taunting me as they enjoy free reign of my house.
  • Flies are Bad.
  • I did mention that this would be useless information, didn't I?

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