Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fame and Infamy...

In the last year or go, our Adelphia cable went digital, which affords us the wonder that is Video On Demand. In addition to saving me the headache of figuring out what time the new movies for the month are starting on HBO, this gets us some cool new channels to watch when we want - 0ne of which is called "Expo TV"... and basically covers big Expos... including E3.

Tonight, while we're sitting around putting off going to bed, T decides to check it out. SO we're watching a special on E3 and there's a segment on a company that T has worked with recently called "WebZen"... guy X interviews guy Z on their new MMOFPS "Huxley".

"Hey!" T calls from the recliner where he is convalescing with the same virus that has had me cursing phlegm in all its forms for a good week. "Check it out, these are the guys we were talking to out there -- in the background, behind these guys..."

I look up from my studious review of Important Things (Okay, so I was surfing the Entertainment section on, so sue me) just in time for him to say "Hey! That's ME!"

More accurately, it was first his gesturing hands (which are unimistakably his), then his nose, and finally his entire profile as he gesticulated wildly to emphasize some point about the graphics quality of the game, or some such.

Okay, now seriously. What are the chances???


Anonymous said...

Whatever the chances of that are, after all the E3 coverage Nic forced me to sit through, I'm really pissed that I missed it.

Sara said...

How very what is this geek speak you are talking of lol! no just kidding. good luck getting over this sick stupid bug i have had it all week and we are off to disney land tomorrow and welp, this bug is riding shot gun with me. WooHoo, can not wait to mix margaritas and sick together :)I guess we all really do get 15 minutes of fame...seconds, mili seconds whatever it is!!