Monday, July 17, 2006

Blog Me, Baby...One More Time. (Long)

So BlogHer '06 Conference is just under 2 weeks away, and I'm not going to be able to make it this year. BUT, that isn't going to stop me from joining in where I can, which means that for today I am subjecting others to an interview with.. Myself. Because I'm lame, and feeling too shy at the moment to approach another BlogHer to interview them. So Sue Me.

SO, here it is. In all the shining glory. I have too much time on my hands today, so I answered way too many questions. Which makes this inexcusably long. Feel free to skip to the part where I talk about my spectacular breasts.

1. When did you start blogging and why? Or Talk about your blog. What can I learn about you in under 5 minutes?

This is best answered by pointing to my Bio. In under 5 minutes you can find out all that is there. Here's a few more tidbits: I don't know what my natural hair color looks like any more, and my eyes were once coffee brown.. (*mmm coffee*) but are now mostly green. Yeah, it confuses me, too.

2. How do you use blogging to build friendships?

It keeps me in touch with old friends who live far away. Because I have this phobia of the phone. No, SERIOUSLY. Making phone calls freaks me out, so I avoid it as much as possible. Apparently meds can only take the edge off this particular neurosis, they can't cure it completely. And anyway, I'm much more articulate in writing than in person. Especially after a few margaritas... in both cases.

3. Who do you read every day, rain or shine?

Dooce of course. And I loves me some MochaMomma. For the rest, it's a hodge-podge, and I like to check 2 or 3 of my favorites every day rather than checking them all at once. Since some folks seem to be a little wonky on posting frequency, it lets me keep something to look forward to. You know, rather than hitting refresh 20 or 30 times a day in the hopes that someone updated and can give me a reason to crack a smile.

4. Why did you choose to share that piece of yourself in a photograph?

That would imply that I actually had a good reason. Or any reason at all, really. I dunno, I always fixate on my eyes because they're my one really striking feature and I've always thought I have a small mouth, not really worthy of attention. So why not be fair and play to the underdog? I mean, small or not, these lips put up with a lot. I've been known to chew them till they bleed when I'm nervous or deeply engrossed. And I've got them totally addicted to Carmex and Burt's Bees Lip Balm. The level of dependency is truly astounding. My lips need a twelve-step program.

5. How would you describe your writing style?

Ecclectic at best, disjointed and nauseating at worst. I used to write a lot more, and the words came much easier then. I suspect it's because I used to also READ a lot more, and reading prolifically seems to be the key (for me anyway) to coherent writing. I'd rather hear someone else describe my writing style; it's always fun to see myself through someone else's eyes.

6. What don’t you write about? Anything considered a no-no in your book?

I don't complain about my husband (at least not in any serious way) or talk about a fight we've had or reveal anything about him that is overtly personal for him. I don't give out too much specific information about where we are, etc, because my kids are insanely cute and there are psychos out there. I don't talk about things that family members would consider a breach of trust or privacy. There's a lot going on in our lives that it would be wrong to discuss until the dust has finished settling, but some day I will open that can of worms and vent it all out into the ether.

7. So soon we’re going to meet each other at BlogHer. Important question. How do you party?

*SOB* Alas, I will be missing the event this year. Next year, however. Is it wrong that I'm actually planning my next pregnancy around BlogHer 2007 so that I can drink everyone under the table and hopefully leave a bra hanging from the rafters in a bar somewhere?

8. What is your favorite thing that you wrote? What got a strong reaction from readers? Links please?

Love my Tattoo Story ("Permanent Ink")It's probably my favorite blog entry to date, even though it's not the most articulate or artistic one.
See the link over there ---->

9. Are you and your blogging persona the same person?

They each represent several parts of the whole puzzle which is "Me". I think the blog gives you a pretty good idea of what I am like in person. Except in person, I'm a good bit more hyperactive and my breasts are much more spectacular.

10. If you had a super power, what would it be?

The ability to totally change my hair just by thinking about it. Today would be short and red, tomorrow long and blonde, and maybe Wednesday would be a kick ass pink mohawk.


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Mocha said...

Just so you know, I had previously (read: months ago) read your "Who the hell is Mel" and loved it!

Your connection, so to speak, with Dooce intrigued me and I visited a lot. Of course, now I'm adding you to my blogroll to read you R-E-G-U-L-A-R-L-Y.

I love that you bite your lips. Does it give them that Angelina Jolie sexy thing she's got working for her?

Oh, and I was very patient. I read through the whole thing, but I had your spectacular breasts on my mind the entire time.

Elizabeth said...

Hopping over from the Blogme Online Mixer and enjoyed the read!