Thursday, August 24, 2006

Please Keep Arms And Legs Inside The Car

Holy Mood Swing Roller Coaster, Batman. Just cutting out one nursing session has thrown my hormones into a tailspin the likes of which has not been seen since the great meltdown of 98. I have been up and down and back again so many times today I'm a bit dizzy with the whiplash.

I'll break it down into lists. Since, you know... we crazies need our lists. They make the chaos presentable, so we can pretend it's not as screwy as it really is.

3 things that made me feel Fantastic today:

1. Coffee. Hot coffee.
2. Getting Toby to take 4 ounces from a bottle. Willingly, if slowly.
3. Buying $250 worth of groceries, but only spending $200 after store discounts and coupons (Thank You Belinda!). I am officially hooked on coupon clipping, and I have a feeling there will be a sick obsession with watching my savings percentage increase with each shopping trip. I may even save enough money to justify buying more of this stuff. Which would be sweet.

and, because into every life a little rain must fall (or insert your own cliche for "sometimes things just suck" here)

3 things that turned me into a raving maniac today:

1. $20 for a prescription that I can't take until Toby is weaned. It sits in the medicine cabinet, taunting me as I struggle between the emotional trauma of weaning and the desire to NOT feel always on the verge of screaming "NO WIRE HANGERS!"

2. Jack peed in the potty at the grocery store today. Which actually made me feel great, but it was a set-up for the letdown when we got home and he went to his room, pulled off his pants, and put on a clean diaper in which to poop. Preschool (which is already paid for, by the way) starts in just over a month, and it is not looking good on the "potty trained or not welcome" front.

3. Screaming children. LOUDLY screaming children. Both for no discernable reason. Both at the exact moment I was finally sitting down to get my first bite of actual food today. Exhausted kids (3 hours of running errands will do that) + low blood sugar mommy = disaster. And me with my fingers in my ears for a good minute or so while I hummed the 1812 overture.

But, my lovelies, I would not leave you on such a down note. No siree! You see, tomorrow will be a hellaciously busy day.. but it is for a good cause. Tomorrow I pack us up for the beach! For an entire, glorius week I will be slathering the spf 50 on my miles of alabaster flesh and vegetating in the sand of the outer banks. I've never been before. I hear it's spectacular. I'm pre-inclined to agree.

Never fear, however. I am told the house (which we are sharing with the family of the effervescent PK, who - at 20-some-odd weeks pregnant - still looks better in a bathing suit than I do) comes fully equipped with wi-fi. So if T doesn't pry the laptop from my clammy mitts, I may throw up a post or two from paradise.

Catch ya on the flip side...

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1 comment:

ninjapoodles said...

Hang in there, Mel! And yaaaay, extra $50!!! Technically, you're supposed to go stick that amount in a savings account immediately or use it to pay down any revolving debt you might have...but judging from your current state of mind, I'd say blow it on a massage. Totally. You deserve it.