Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tick-Talk : Tick-Tock

I had to pull a teeny-weeny little tick off my arm. I'm pretty sure the head is still stuck somewhere in there. Reason #543267 that living in the country can be a pain in the posterior.

Also? 12 days.

12 days now I have been on my own, playing at "single mom". All I can say is, you moms who do this all the time? Holy crap, I'm not sure how you do it. The total lack of freedom, the inability to so much as brush your teeth without someone pulling on your pant leg and screaming for pizza at 6 o'clock in the morning. Usually I send the boys on their merry way to bug daddy in the morning. He gets a few minutes of quality (read: insanity) time with the boys, and I get to put my contact lenses in and answer nature's call without a play-by-play analysis of the action. ("Mom? Are you going to use the toilet paper, Mom? Because I don't have to use the toilet paper if I'm just going pee-pee. Why are you sitting down to go pee-pee, Mom?")

Last night I put the kids to bed and anesthetized my pain, just a little, with a few glasses of Pinot Noir. Also, I might have gone off the reservation just enough to leave myspace messages for a few friends. And quite possibly a celebrity. Actually, I'm pretty sure I did, because he replied this morning. Tip of the hat to him, by the way, as it now makes for a much better story.

Singapore Sling 2007 (as we will now officially refer to this particular Big Daddy business trip) has just been extended by another few days. Instead of returning home on Tuesday, as originally planned, Big Daddy T will be home at the end of the week some time.

I am, obviously, thrilled at this development. *cough*

So tonight the boys and I are ordering pizza and having a Disney marathon. For the rest of the week? Well, at least I have the Fall Season Premieres of some seriously good television to look forward to. Almost as good as a glass of Pinot for dulling the pain, y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tis the week from h*ll. I feel your pain as I have been playing single mom today while my hubby has battled some form of food poisoning/rotavirus/norovirus that has had him bed and bath stricken all day. Now he is on his way to the hospital (thanks to his wonderful sis) and I am trying to figure out how to degerm the house without actually torching it. Any suggestions??? And...surprise...I feel a cold coming on! Oh, and keep an eye out for a bullseye. We've had a lot of those teeny tiny ticks this can take up to a whopping 16 weeks to show up but most do within 30 nature but not lyme! Hang in there!