Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Suburban Serenity.

I woke briefly this morning as T climbed into the shower. Snuggled on either side of me were the boys. Two warm little bodies, quiet and still, wrapped around me from both sides. It lasted about a minute and a half before the maniacs arose and the day began.

Fed the dog our leftover scrambled eggs. Because I was feeling generous.

Decided to leave the Christmas tree up... just one more day. It cheers up the living room. I need to hang more pictures in there or something.

No appointments, commitments, or catastrophes to handle today. Just have to get Jack to preschool, grab a few things at the grocery store, and get Toby home for a nap while I settle in to catch up on the new (unscripted!) episodes of The Daily Show and Colbert Report on the TiVO and fold a little laundry.

Every day should begin this way.

1 comment:

Kerry McKibbins said...

sounds like a great beginning.