Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just Call Me Dogberry.

"And Master, sir, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall assert, that I am an ass."
-Dogberry. (Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing)

Things I have been doing to make an ass of myself today:

* Wearing a fabulous sundress in honor of the epically fantastic weather. Of course, it would have been really adorable if only I had realized that my lavender bra was playing peek-a-boo sooner. It suddenly occurs to me that the really friendly bagger at the grocery store was probably not actually looking at my funky necklace while he made small-talk and bagged my pop tarts.

* Lecturing my child on the evils of telling fibs when he tried to convince me he has no school tomorrow. An eventual call to the school confirmed that yes, tomorrow is indeed a county teacher work day and he does, in fact, have the day off. Perhaps an extra bedtime story will soothe his moral outrage? Either way, I'm thinking I should drop a few bucks into the "college fund" jar (also known as "fundage for Jack's inevitable eventual therapy bills").

* Casually talking with my neighbor about her Southern Living party I promised to attend next weekend. Going from confused to mortified when she awkwardly tells me it was last weekend and realize I totally stood her up. Make a mental note to bring her coffee next week to make amends.

So, yeah, basically I am all-around brain dead right now and should not be allowed out in public. For my own sake.

And how is your Thursday?

On a lighter note (or perhaps a portent of our doom) we are taking the boys to a County Democratic Rally tomorrow. Should be good times. I'll try to get photos.

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