Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oh, Baby!

If I could make the scanner bend to my will and just WORK already, I could show you some really incredible photos from the ultrasound today.

EDIT: I received the following picture in my weekly update from babycenter. Apparently my baby has entered the "Cirque du Soleil Acrobat" phase of development. This is nothing like the actual images from the ultrasound. It is, however, highly disturbing.

In lieu of that, allow me to say that when an eye as untrained as my own can easily identify the child's external paraphernalia, 'tis safe to say that his papa can be proud.

Yeah, it's another boy.

And, while I thought it was a girl - while I was, in fact, nearly certain that it was a girl growing in there - nobody is more surprised than yours truly to find that, in fact, I am at this moment doing my best not to leap out of my chair and dance around the room from sheer, overwhelming GLEE.


I'll explain to him eventually about Mommy's nasty habit of typing in all caps without provocation and also yelling, in person, at the top of my lungs when I am very excited.

Also, we will now officially have more than half of a basketball team.

Also, also, we are planning to begin a special savings account to pay for grocery bills in about 10 years, because three teenage boys are going to eat us out of house and home.



Kerri said...

Woo Hoo, another nephew. Can't wait to meet him.-aunt kerri

Katie said...

I am so excited for you guys. Congratulations!

Kjersti said...

Congratulations! I'm pregnant and found out a couple weeks ago I'm having my second girl, when I was completely convinced I was having a boy, so I was really interested in your post. My excitement didn't come right away, like yours, but I've finally gotten really excited for baby girl #2. I can't wait to see what you're latest boy will look like. If his brothers are any indication, he's going to be adorable!

Heather said...

Congrats! I'm glad they didn't have those 3D ultrasound things when I had my daughter, I might have been scared of her. =O

DeeDee said...

Congrats on seeing the penis!! My first one kept his hidden the entire time so I had no clue what I was having with that one. The little one on the other hand didn't mind showing his...matter fact, he'd show it to just about anybody. I'm working on explaining the whole modesty thing to him I swear!

By the way, I found your blog through DadGoneMad. I've posted a complete list of everyone who left their blog link on his Big Big Stars post in a post of my own called Blog Rolling With My Homies over on my blog, so if you want to see it come on over and sit a spell. I don't bite..…that hard anyway!

Allie said...

Another godson for me? YAY!
Love your guts!

Trent and Kristi said...

I am very excited for you! I always thought it would be fun to have all boys or all girls! Congrats and GOOD LUCK! Your posts make me laugh, and I'm glad to get a glimpse of your life these days!