Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer Weekend: Number One With A Bullet (or several)

* Indiana Jones was disappointing. I'd take the time to break down exactly where I think they went wrong with the storytelling, but I already spent 10 bucks and 2 hours on it and I really don't want to spend any more.

* SUMMER! Finally, at last, SUMMER! The kids and I are already planning our first weekly pool outing for Wednesday. I'll be the one in the maternity bathing suit, possibly covered by a mumu. Because, you know, mumus are hawt sexy.

* 2 new pregnancies have come to my attention so far this weekend. Don't drink the water people, unless you are intent on getting knocked up. For those who are recently pregnant: I salute you! (Especially you. Yes, YOU, you know who you are. And, yeah, I get pregnant on the first try, too. EVERY TIME on the first try. I am very, very thankful for the invention of birth control.)

* It is worth it to wake up early with the kids on a Saturday morning just to watch Toby attempt to clap along with the songs on Bunnytown. I forgot that nearly-three is such a delightful age; at least ten times a day I have to restrain myself from snatching him up and snogging him thoroughly. Of course, that's beyond the thirty or fifty gazillion times a day that my restraint fails me and I smooch him until he squeaks for mercy.

* Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Welcome to Summer. Let's go have a Slurpee and celebrate, shall we?


Shannon said...

Happy Summer! My kids are out on Thursday and I have begun the countdown!

Love your guts,

Roseytoesies said...

Me? Could she really be talking to ME? I felt like the screen was pointing its finger in my face! Ah am SO EXCITED!!! By the way, bunnytown rawks. Yay to the technicolor stuffed "bubbies" as ZK calls them. We especially love the lady with the curly hair and the band. Although, I wonder what she tells people she does for a living?