Saturday, July 12, 2008

BlogHer Approacheth

This is what I look like on a typical morning.
Note the shiny, lick-able macbook.  Also, the shiny, lick-able pregnant lady - with hair desperately in need of some stylist attention.  That would be me.
I leave for BlogHer in 6 days, y'all.  I am a ball of excitement, anxiety, and hormones.  (Literally - a ball.  I have the spherical dimensions to prove it.)  Right now, I am doing my best to get through the weekend without losing my mind.  Big Daddy is off searching for his lost youth being manly with the other manly men on the New River Gorge.  The kids are attempting to kill each other with carefully applied blows from pool noodles.  The dog, for once, is giving me no trouble whatever.  I am taking all of these as signs of the impending apocalypse; seeing as I just gave myself a pretty decent pedicure, I'm hoping apocalypse can wait until after I get back from San Francisco.
Speaking of Apocalypse, however, we have tentatively begun the next round of potty training at our house.  Mostly this involves Tobin removing his diaper after he's already made a deposit of some sort, and only then asking to be placed on the toilet.  I was planning to put off the whole potty training thing until the spring at this point - what with the baby coming in September and all.  Because I already carry around a full plate of crazy, and this might just push me over the edge.  Won't you come hold me, and bring me something chocolate?
 Toby has also discovered the joys of marking his territory around the house.  The sometime delay between his removal of diaper and the application of a new one has provided ample opportunities for him to put this new talent to use in a multitude of places.  Fun for the whole family! He has so far peed on: the carpet, the wall, the chairs, several books, a few unfortunate toys, and the stereo receiver.  
Once again, lucky to have this face.  
Especially after peeing on expensive electronics.
I'm holding out the completely impossible hope that his father will have better luck with this process while I am out of town.  To be honest, though, I'll be happy if I make it there and back and there are no reports from the home front of fires, floods, trips to the emergency room, or sudden illness.  Bonus for nothing with a value more than twenty bucks being urinated on.  Double bonus if there is no repeat of the unspeakable "baby squats on bathroom rug" incident which shall never be mentioned again.
And with that, I am suddenly reminded that perhaps I am in need of a few days away from home even more than I realized.  6 days to go, people.


Anonymous said...

My husband's grandmother and I were just having a conversation this evening that potty training is the one task of motherhood that we would give up first. Hands down. I think it's an evolutionary flaw that children aren't born knowing how to use a toilet.

Shannon said...

Hey your house looks beautiful! I LOVE the wall color and the curtains!

Roseytoesies said...

I want to nibble his cheeks! They are ever so squishable looking. I'm smack in the middle of the potty training too and AMEN is all I have to say. Am not enjoying self.