Thursday, July 03, 2008

You Can Learn A Lot Of Things From The Flowers

These blossoms are mostly gone now; Salvias don't like the heat of July.  While they lasted, though, the blooms were spectacular.  Without fail, every time I looked I would find at least one very focused bee going around and around the stalk to visit each tiny flower.
June has already faded into the sweaty, humid summer fervor of July.. but for a while there were Golden Afternoons in the front yard.  The boys would run and ride bikes and lay in the grass with me under the cool shade of the Bradford pear tree.  
We bloomed in June, right along with the rainbow of flora in the yard.  I was as frantically busy as those bees: painting, sewing curtains, scrubbing, moving furniture around.  June is a good month for nesting.  Those flowers? They're really on to something.
July will be a busy, sweaty month.  Although there is a lot to look forward to (Hello, BlogHer!) I have a feeling that by month's end I will be as wilted as the rest of the blossoms.
But the memories of our golden afternoons in the sunshine? Those should go a long way towards getting me through the next hectic weeks.. and our planned trip to the beaches of the Outer Banks will swoop in just in time.

So I've been AWOL for a few days, but really I've just been busy with the cleaning and the napping and such.  Yesterday I sat down to write a wildly entertaining post - really I did! - but then I fell asleep in my computer chair with my feet propped up on the back of the sofa.  
I'll try to be better, really I will.  My sister Kim and her family are arriving tonight and will be with us through the weekend, though, so I may be patchy with the posting until next week. 

Have a Happy July 4th everybody.  Try not to blow off any digits while lighting wildly over-the-top fireworks displays for the kids.  (Or at least take pictures if you do.)

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