Monday, August 25, 2008

Enjoy the Silence.

This face? This is the face of a 5-year-old.  One who will start Kindergarten tomorrow.  And, not to get all sappy on y'all, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm feeling about that.  At least tomorrow is "Orientation Day" and we'll just be popping in for half an hour to meet his teacher.
Wednesday, though, he gets on the big yellow school bus bright and early... and doesn't come home until just before dinner.  
Adding to my general sense of malaise today is the fact that I got up about 8 times to pee last night - after Tobin finally went to sleep at 11.  And then? And then there's the fact that I have 5 weeks left in this pregnancy and I am sooo ready for this baby to vacate my premises.  
SO let's just say I'm having a petite blue period.  Let's leave it at that.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Tell Jack thank you for the comment about Isaac. So tomorrow's the big day! That is crazy. I am sure Jack will do great a school. For your sake, I hope you have this baby a little early. Isaac was born at 38.5 weeks and I thought that was nice. Good luck tomorrow morning!