Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Foto Feature

Hello, internets.  
This week has been one of those weeks.  Jack went off to college Kindergarten.

I do not recall giving him permission to grow up.
Toby was understandably confused by this whole idea.  His brother? Going somewhere? WITHOUT him?!  He apparently missed that memo, and posed for one good photo before the whole situation started to dawn on him and he became increasingly nonplussed by the whole deal.
2 illegally cute children and one empty can.
It's somebody else's can. I didn't notice it until after I took the photo.
Then, I VERY RESPONSIBLY kicked it to the side and took 2 more photos.
Tobin refused to smile in either of them.  Hence? Great photo which includes random litter.
It is probably coincidence that Toby woke up the next morning with a fever and proceeded to puke his way through the day.  The fever is finally controlled, and the puking appears to have ceased - and thank the Buddha for that, because I don't think I could have handled being puked on at 2am two nights in a row.  I mean, it's no picnic on a regular night, but in case you somehow missed it - I am incredibly freaking pregnant.  HOW pregnant, you ask?
WELL. Since you asked.
I was reading Amalah today, who happens to be one of my favorite reads and who also happens to be pregnant.  She posted her 33 weeks belly photos, lamenting her hugeness.
I laughed until I cried.... and then? Then I just cried.
Allow me to introduce to you the Belly of Aum at 35 weeks plus some days.
Actual unretouched photo.  
Because obviously if I was going to doctor it, I would have first removed all those Freddy Kreuger-esque stretch mark scars.
Clearly this baby is intent on setting some sort of weight record and perhaps getting his own reality show.  Me? I'm just hoping he can be pushed out without the aid of a backhoe.


Shannon said...

Your tummy is adorable!
Love you girl!

Katie said...

Your boys are too cute! I am excited to see that little baby who is living in your belly.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I'm sorry - but my twins are almost two and I STILL get ghost pains when I see a pictures like that... Hope these last two weeks are too hard!

Shannon said...

I should have mentioned how adorable the boys look! LOVE the haircuts!