Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pants: On FIre.

It's a rough Sea Lion life.  Eat, sleep, lounge. Repeat.
Fisherman's Warf; Pier 39, San Francisco
So I didn't get enough questions yet to justify the random things post.  So I'm a big liar, and I'm not going to post anything clever here for the next week or so.  
And I'm here on the Outer Banks.  And it's raining.  And yet still beautiful and relaxing.
And I'm lazy, and I'm on vay-cay-shun, people, so in lieu of posting actual stuffs while I am here for the next 7 days... I will be attempting to post a daily photo.  Some will be of the scene here on the Outer Banks.... some will be from BlogHer... and yet still others may just be random photos from the recent-past that will fill up the space.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason when I'm in San Francisco, I could stand and watch those sea lions all day. It's the life, I tell ya!