Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pants: Still Flaming.

I know! I didn't post anything! For days!  Not even photos! Because I am a big liar.
In reality, we had spotty internet (at best) at the beach house and I was actually quite busy... what with all the lounging in chairs on the beach, eating a metric ton of seafood, and trying not to have a panic attack watching my husband walk out into the roaring surf with mah preyshus baybeez.  I was sure a rogue wave would snatch Toby out of his arms to be lost forever at sea.
If you've ever been to the Outer Banks, you know the waves there are relatively calm.  Also, if you've ever met my Mother you know my crippling and irrational Fear of Horrible Things That Will Never Actually Come To Pass is purely genetic and not in any way my own fault.  
The beach over all, though, was soothing, relaxing and pretty much exactly what we needed after an unprecedentedly hectic summer.  Also, the break from the computer made me realize that I am overdue for a slowdown on internet time.  So I'm going to be doing less of that for a while - at least until Milo arrives and I'm a slave to the house and the schedule of a small mewling infant who wakes at all hours.  Which isn't to say I won't be blogging - I'll just be putting a lot less pressure on myself to do so.  And probably posting a lot more photos and a lot fewer words.  Photos that may or may not have anything to do with... well, anything.
And, on that note, I will leave you with this.
Jack's R2D2 Birthday Cake.


Shannon said...

Hey Mel!

I'm so glad you are home! Call me when you can. Did you make Jack's cake? IT IS AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome...still laughing at this post.


Susie H said...

HAWEsome cake! Keep enjoying summer :)

A Mom Two Boys said...

Dude! I have the SAME irrational fear...and it's totally my mom's fault too. Damn genes.