Monday, January 12, 2009

A Marvelous Work and A Wonder.

The above title comes from an LDS book of which my mother is rather fond.  I'm not talking about the book, though.  I'm just stealing the title.  I think it applies.  You could also call this post "Look what my amazing boobs did! Why am I not losing more weight?!" but I thought that might be an overshare...


Kristen M. said...

Love the curled toes! He's such a beautiful chunk of boy. I love when they have no choice but to have an innie. :)

Trent and Kristi said...

Wow - you must have some serious good milk action going on. You could sell that cream of yours! I swear I produce skim milk - my babies are never fat. He is SO SO CUTE!!

GreatGranny said...

He's AWESOME!!! Truly he is a "marvelous work and a wonder," and of great worth. How glad we are he is one of ours!!!

Allie said...

I can't wait to meet this little guy in person!

Marnae said...

That is the best thing I have seen in a month of Sundays. He is perfectly perfect.