That said, Dr. Allie assures me that I am allowed to miss whenever I miss, "but at least TRY it, won't you, MeL?" and really, the woman has made it through medical school and still talks to me even though the most educated thing I have done this week is watch several episodes of Oswald, which apparently teaches me about "Interpersonal Relationships" according to Noggin but I'm pretty sure that's a crock so that slacker parents (*cough*like me*cough*) can feel justified when they let their kids watch too much television.
ANywAYs, here I am on Monday - technically making this "Monday Exposure" but I figured that starting a day later than the weekend is a good way to establish (for anyone keeping score) that your expectations for me to be on top of this should not be too high. heh.
Weeked Exposure 20
?: What inspires laughter in you?
My answer can be found here.

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