Sunday, September 20, 2009

Busy, Busy Bees

The biggest bumble bee I have ever seen decided to grace my flowers.
And I? I decided to finally put the macro setting on my point and shoot to the test.
I think it gets an A.
Toby started his first official "First Day Of Preschool"  Since he started mid-year last year, he was the only kid having a first day last time.  This time he got to be part of the general excitement of the crowd of tiny humans waiting for The Door to open.
How much fun is it to put this kid in clothes, you ask?
I cannot begin to tell you.
Victorious! He totally wins at Noodle Art.
Wednesday night was Jack's second Pack Meeting for Tiger Scouts.  It was the kickoff for the annual popcorn fundraiser. (Unrelated aside: Who wants to buy $200 worth of popcorn so the kid can get the marshmallow-shooting bow and arrow prize?  Because.. yeah.  Hate them for dangling that in front of the kids, especially one whose mom is an EPIC FAIL at sales.)
They told the kids to wear the jersey for their favorite sports team, but since we only just got the pieces all together for his cub uniform... well, there was no talking him out of wearing it to pack meeting.
The AWESOME. It burns my eyes!
Also, I refrained from mentioning at pack meeting that I find the uniforms
just a teensy bit "Hitler Youth"-ish.  Because I have a tiny scrap of impulse control left.
On Thursday, my BFF Sarah's daughter, Violet, came with us to get desperately needed pedicure.  This girl is the anti-birth control for women who have only boys.  If I didn't already wish to have a baby girl... this child would ignite that covetous fire under my butt, I can tell ya.

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!  LOOK AWAY FROM THE PRECIOUS!!
Finally, we celebrated another successful week of "Staying Out Of The Crazy House" with cookies.  (Incidentally, also our celebration ritual of choice for holidays, births, deaths, PMS and Tuesdays.)
Tobin and his future Missus.  I know this because one minute they are best buds, and the next minute one of them is getting punched in the nose by the other.  It's a fairly even split.  Pre-destined true love if ever there was.


T. said...

dog under chair = win.

GreatGranny said...

those pictures of the boys are great - they are all so good looking! But I gotta say, that picture of the Bumble bee is a prize-winner! Awesome!