Monday, September 21, 2009

Year Without Fear: Challenge Edition!

Ah, year without fear. How easily you have blended into the mundane of the every day.
I declare it shall no longer be so!  
I'm failing miserably on the whole "get in shape" part of my self-challenge.  Not for lack of ANY effort, mind you.  I'll shortly be attempting the Butt Kicking Kill that is P90X.  I've cut back my caloric intake as much as possible while still nursing Milo.  We've begun the weaning process, which deserves a post all its own once I can write it without the weeping and the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments.  Once nursing is complete, I can really get on the Calorie Restriction train. (It's a very slow train.  Sluggish, even.  It runs on very little fuel.)
I'm sorry, where were we, again?
Ah. Yes.  A Year Without Fear.
Well, I decided to open it up for suggestions.  Kinda-sorta.  I'll filter through the suggestions and pick a few challenges to attempt.  I'm not explaining this very well, am I.  
I'm asking for suggestions.  Crazy (but not TOO crazy) adventures for me to try out.  They can't be too expensive (because we're on a limited budget here. So, you know, no skydiving.  Not that I would attempt that, mind you. Did you know life insurance doesn't pay out if you die doing something stupid? Like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane?)
So DE-LURK, my friends, and offer your suggestions.  My brain is tired and I am fresh out of ideas.  Between soccer practice, scouts, school, preschool, and various and sundry other items on the Master Laundry List of daily living, I am going to have to work extra hard to find time for this, but find it I shall.
I've issued myself one challenge already:  Make time to go on our annual pilgrimage to the Maryland Renaissance Festival.  The fearless part? Go In Costume.  And take photos for your mocking pleasure. Huzzah!
Ready: GO!


CoachYashica said...

Hey Mel,

The best way to start is not to try to do everything at once. It will get overwhelming. Take it one day at a time. Try just doing calorie restriction for the first week, then walking the next week, then adding strength training the following. Layer by layer you'll get there. Good luck! Oh, and have fun at the Ren Fest. I miss going there every year. Ours is in Feb & March.

GreatGranny said...

Talk to Joe! His plan works - and leaves you full! Then talk to me for ways to make it cheaper!

Unknown said...

I LOVE P90X! I do it every MWF, and do biking on TTH. It has really worked for me! Now as for no fear...I want to know how the lipstick wearing is going first. Then I will offer craziness!

Aerin said...

What about taking a course (online or college) that you are interested in? Or attending a book club?