He is incredibly lucky to have this face. If he had any other face? One that was ONE IOTA less edible? The four piles of poo on the rug from ONE incident which occurred about 10 seconds after I let him back in from the rain - after his mournful face and pathetic whimpering finally convinced me that just maybe he really didn't need to go? That would have earned him a one-way ticket to "a farm in the country". (Which, as we all know, is where your parents TOLD you they sent your puppy after it ate the new leather sectional when you were 9.)
Cuteness prevails the day. *sigh*
I am such a sucker.
Bright light at the end of the tunnel: he will soon poop outside.
Downside? He may end up like my mutt and eat everything possible, only to puke it up at insane hours of the night. :)
Dogs....MAN'S best friend.
Yup cuteness prevails. and you may think is totally the cutest thing ever...that is until you go and look at the newly posted pics on my blog lol. i agree with the other comment..Man's best friend indeed :)
That's EXACTLY what I say about my kids sometimes, and my husband, and any number of my high maintenance but lovely friends.
There's a pattern emerging here....
Sucker 2,
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