Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Say Click, Take A Pic

Cash (whose name is Robin, but I know too many of those, so we'll use a nickname) has been friends with T since high school. I met him through T after we started dating, and shortly moved in with Cash and several other guys to a townhouse in Centreville. We shared a townhouse, then all rented a single family home together where one of the roommates threw wild parties that infrequently ended in police being called by angry neighbors. Finally, Cash and I got an apartment in Alexandria and were exclusive (and very neat, quiet, and tame) roomies (when I was there) until T and I officially moved in together in 2001.

He was a groomsman at our wedding, has been at every major family event, and is really family himself. Jack calls him "Uncle Robin". Even though I have 5 brothers who share my DNA, Cash is the "brother" I am the closest to and have had the most profound conversations with.

He came over on Monday and did something so totally amazing I am still reeling from the impact.

He gave me his digital SLR.

I did not cry. I wanted to cry. But I didn't. I might have squeezed him so hard I ruptured a few internal organs when I hugged him, though. But, hey, I didn't cry.

Thanks to him, I suddenly have the tools to begin compiling my portfolio. Which means I can begin to put together my business. SO, I will be - in the not-so-distant future, running my own company.

Out of a clear blue sky, I have something to look forward to for myself. Something which has nothing whatever to do with housework, or motherhood, or keeping my husband employed. Something that fulfills a totally selfish need in me, but also has a potential to contribute to our income.

On so many levels? Family rocks.

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