Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Post-A-Thon 2006 Continues....

I swear to walk away from the computer as soon as I post this. SWEAR! Because, ya know, my kid is running around half-naked and just peed off the deck for the third time today. Apparently, Jack has decided he will help me housetrain Gizmo... by way of "leading by example". He has a very impassioned little spiel explaining why he believes this is a good idea.

The message I'm taking away from his little appeal? Time to do laundry, because he is out of clean underwear. And? My child is quite possibly going to end up in the adult film industry if I can't convince him to keep clothes on past noon. At least there have (so far) been no calls from preschool to complain of his public disrobing. So I score a few brownie points for Motherhood, right? RIGHT?! Okay, I'm turning off the computer. I swear.

But before I go, I only tapped the vein one more time because this was just too good not to share.

If you haven't already received your share of delicious life-imitating-art-imitating-life by way of The Colbert Report (and my beloved Daily Show, of course)... please to be tuning your TiVo to Comedy Central before you find yourself on the inflatable raft to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks with the likes of Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly. Oh, and Mark Foley.

Why an inflatable raft, you ask? Because the points on the top of their heads are sure to puncture it along the way. And apparently hypocrisy sinks faster than a lead weight...

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