Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bullet Is As Bullet Does

* Spent a lot of time with my arms straight up in the air. In so doing, managed to paint the 13 foot wall in our living room and the stair well in a mellow butterscotch color that warms up the entire house. Who knew that living in a beige world could be so bad for the psyche? Yeah, I probably did, but was too lazy to actually do anything about it until now.

* Moved furniture. Upstairs couch went downstairs, downstairs couch moved upstairs. *phew!* Much better.

* Had friends over for a luscious, lazy cookout on Sunday. Cornish hens roasted over charcoal, more Alabama white barbecue sauce, grilled zucchini, and potatoes and onions. Frosty cold beverages and good conversation. Way too much chocolate cake. A perfect afternoon in the sunshine.

* Bought fabric for the living room curtains. Red with a floral print and a coordinating red and gold-striped pattern - soon our living room will be ensconced in a warm, old-Virginia style. It's finally looking like someone actually lives here. Besides mental patients.

* Jack requested food for his security blanket, Mimi. I handed him some invisible food, which he gratefully accepted with a "Thanks, Mom. That's a six-story burrito!"

* I leave for Vegas in just over a week. I can't decide if the heart palpitations are excitement, terror, or both. I've never been away from the kids for more than a night - and I've only done that twice since Jack was born. I'll be gone for 4 whole days. I know, I should embrace it and not think twice, right? Yeah. But apparently, in spite of my protests to the contrary, I'm a nougaty-soft-centered mommy after all. Luckily, I'll be hanging with my best girl - who has already promised to distract me with the best sushi in Nevada and a visit to the Bellagio. So I might just be okay, after all.

* Jack received a postcard from his pen-pal in California. From Disneyland. I think the universe just experienced a paradigm shift, as he realized that "Tyler is in DISNEYLAND! With Mickey! And he saw Mickey! WHEN CAN I SEE MICKEY IN DISNEYLAND?!" Watching the informational video from Disney World, FL, was one thing. It was all theoretical, you see. But now? Now that an actual three-year-old has sent him a postcard from actual Disneyland? Now it's a whole new ball game, people.

* I'm off to take a shower and get over to the preschool early. They asked the moms to arrive half an hour early today - for a "Mother's Day Suprise". It appears, despite any doubts posed by my inner critic, I am actually a mother. One deserving of glitter-and-glue, paper mache, preschool recognition. Who knew?

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