Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Food, Glorious Food

Food, glorious food. Because that is what we're going to talk about today.

We're not going to talk about the HOA and how I nearly ripped my hair out by the roots this weekend. We are not going to talk about my back tooth breaking on a piece of toast this morning and how I'm making an appointment with an oral surgeon to yank out 3 of my teeth (including the broken one). And we are most decidedly not going to talk about the fluorescent shop light we removed from the kitchen ceiling - in order to replace it with a much nicer island fixture - only to find yet another instance where those glorious Dan Ryan builders neglected to put an actual fixture box, but rather used what appears to have been a claw hammer to knock an unceremonious (and uncentered) hole in the sheet rock in order to yank the bare wires through.

We're not going to mention all that because then you'd get to see what a rage-a-holic I can really be when provoked.

So instead? ... Let't talk about barbecue! Alabama-style white barbecue made with cider vinegar and mayo and various spices. I was planning to do a turkey breast in the rotisserie, but when the time came it just seemed... uninspiring. Then T suggested we give the white barbecue another go. We tried it on some grilled chickens a while back, and it was really yummy but all of the sauce was used in the basting.

This means we missed out on the best part -- the extra sauce for drizzling and dipping and... well, perhaps drinking if things get out of hand. It's THAT good. On the juicy, plump turkey breast it was phenomenal.

What's that? You want a recipe? Oh, very well then.... this is the one we used to great effect. It was spectacular.

Throw in a side of potatoes and onions -- (1-2 red potatoes per person, cut in 1" cubes, with 1/2 to 1 medium onion cut into strips. Add salt, pepper, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup butter. Bake covered at 425 until the potatoes are tender, usually about 30-40 minutes). Tah-dah.

Comfort food makes it all so much better. Between the fried chicken and the turkey barbecue, my outlook is positively cheerful these days.

No, really. It is.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Here, eat some turkey and be off with you. I have dental appointments to make.

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