Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I Am Much More Cheerful Than This Post Would Indicate.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
One and Two and Three.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
All Jacked Up!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Picked Up The Phone, Gave You A Call.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What, You Didn't See Me?

Friday, November 14, 2008
The Balance Myth.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Still Standing. (or Laying Down, as the case may be)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Roof Is On Fire.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Waxing Quickly Political...
She doesn’t think aloud. She just … says things.
Her supporters accuse her critics of snobbery: Maybe she’s not a big “egghead” but she has brilliant instincts and inner toughness. But what instincts? “I’m Joe Six-Pack”? She does not speak seriously but attempts to excite sensation — “palling around with terrorists.” If the Ayers case is a serious issue, treat it seriously. She is not as thoughtful or persuasive as Joe the Plumber, who in an extended cable interview Thursday made a better case for the Republican ticket than the Republican ticket has made. In the past two weeks she has spent her time throwing out tinny lines to crowds she doesn’t, really, understand. This is not a leader, this is a follower, and she follows what she imagines is the base, which is in fact a vast and broken-hearted thing whose pain she cannot, actually, imagine. She could reinspire and reinspirit; she chooses merely to excite. She doesn’t seem to understand the implications of her own thoughts.
So, uh, yeah. Let's just leave it at that.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Milo, My Love: A Story in Pictures.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Milo & Me

Sunday, September 28, 2008
One Last Look Before I Go.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Or "Why I Obviously Need More Therapy".
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Are we there yet?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Yep. Still Pregnant.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Doom and Gloom - Courtesy Guest Poster: Big Daddy.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Have You Ever Seen The (Frog) Rain?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ground Control To Major Tom...
Well, nothing like interrupting the second week of Kindergarten for this:
Sunday, September 07, 2008
On Experience.
Good to know even Karl Rove agrees with me on the experience issue.
I'd like nothing better than to elect a woman (and, bonus, a mother!) to either of the high offices of this country. A qualified, reasoned, experienced woman. One who understands foreign policy, one with credentials of impact beyond "Raging Social Conservative", who doesn't claim to want to cut pork after securing over $20 million in federal earmarks for her town as mayor of Wasilla - a town of less than ten thousand people.
I look forward to the day I can vote for a woman - when the label "woman" is meaningless, because she will be simply the most qualified and well-suited person for the job. This is not that woman. To be fair, her social views would keep me from voting for the ticket regardless of her qualifications, but at least if she was suited for the position I could understand and support the desire for people I respect to see her in office. As it stands, I am at a loss.
And I think that's all I have to say on Sarah Palin.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Or "Words I Never Expected To Utter..."
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Frump is Catching.

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Welcome To Our Sitcom

Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday Foto Feature
Monday, August 25, 2008
Enjoy the Silence.
This face? This is the face of a 5-year-old. One who will start Kindergarten tomorrow. And, not to get all sappy on y'all, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm feeling about that. At least tomorrow is "Orientation Day" and we'll just be popping in for half an hour to meet his teacher.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Really Good Excuses...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Pants: Still Flaming.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pants: On FIre.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Public Nudity. Only, Not Really.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Nothing Doing
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
Blog The Recession