Friday, August 01, 2008

Blog The Recession

Kristin over at Motherhood Uncensored noticed that July has been a pretty craptastic month across the board.  Oh, sure, there were some fantastic highlights - BlogHer, pretty fireworks, and (for me) my kid turning 5. 
But there was also the wrecking of Big Daddy's car and, oh, did I mention my kid turning 5?

It's hard out there for a pimp blogger, y'all, so let's all do something a little kinder and gentler in August and Blog The Recession.  Basically, that means if you're using a feed reader and normally don't click through... just this once, go ahead and click.  And once you arrive on the site, maybe go ahead and click a few of those sponsor ads.  

Christmas will be here before you know it, and who couldn't use a few extra bucks in pocket right now?  Even if they (like me) don't have any ads, the added eye t
raffic will send a little internet love (the good kind) their way.  

Spread the love, my peoples.  Haven't you heard? There's a recession on.  It could end up like 1977 around here, and nobody wants that, now do they? 

The effects of the recession echoed all the way into 1981.
Or, maybe this is just a gratuitous photo of my second birthday.


tata said...

I found you through Kristin's site and before posting about it, I thought I'd go through and comment on all the blogs she listed, as well as those who left comments! So I'm in!!!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I just joined the Blog the Recession. Such a great idea and fun as well. Another fun perk is finding great new blogs to frequent :)

Daisy said...

I'm finding all kinds of fun blogs on this list, and doing some bloggy good while I'm at it! I hope a few of you will click on Compost Happens while you're making the rounds!