Monday, January 09, 2006

The Best Laid Plans...

I have to be careful what I say, because I believe in Murphy and his stupid law. And I'm waiting to find out what the third torture in our trifecta of evil happenings will be.

1) Trip dropped his car off for an oil change and tire rotation the week after Christmas. We didn't hear from the dealer for a few days -- no big deal, right? I mean, it's the week after Christmas, they're probably just short-handed from the holidays, right? Nyet, my friend. Here to follow is a lot of car talk that I can parrot, but don't actually understand: On the "test drive" (which I believe is code for "trip to the race track up the road") the engine blew a cylinder - which had to be repaired, and which also vented metal bits into the turbo, which then required all new bits and pieces. Got the car back after a week and a half. Still broken.... leaking coolant so the engine tries to overheat, and the turbo isn't working at all. Dropped car back off at dealership on Saturday. Reading between the lines, you may have figured out that this means T is driving MY car, leaving me stranded at home with the baby and a very cabin-fevered 2 year old. The only bright spot? (If you can call it that). Because the whooping West Virginia mechanics are the ones who blew up the car in the first place, so far we haven't been tagged for any of the repairs. Let's hope it stays that way as we go forward...

2) Trip's computer drank the purple kool-aid, people. And THEN it ate the pudding. And then it blew up the motherboard. The motherboard, which is a few years old, had to be replaced.. but the really fun part is that the new motherboards available don't work with a good deal of the current hardware we had... SO... Saturday also involved a trip to Best Buy to get an off-the-shelf emachine which, all things considered, wasn't so bad except that it blew the sum total of the expendable cash we had.

I think I just realized that #3 in the trifecta already occurred. You see, the above badness means that we had to cancel our plans to go to NYC for the Chemlab show. Which means I didn't get to lick any part of Jared Louche, and Trip had to miss the show and the chance to meet up with the TSC folks. Instead, we spent our weekend watching football and Signing Time DVD's. Not a horrible way to spend a weekend, mind you, but a considerable let down after the big adventure we had planned.

At least the weather is improving. Is it Spring yet!?


Allie said...

Poor Mel and Trip. You should call Car Talk on NPR this weekend, while I'm listening, and tell them your story. I'd love to hear what they have to say about the whole thing! I thought I should also share Dooce's warning to all about products bought at Best Buy.

Cheers, Baby!

Allie said...

BTW, if we were playing word association, and you said, "Chemlab" I would say, "5 hours of watching water cool every tuesday afternoon for nearly my entire college career." I know this admission will ALMOST make you want to disown me as your friend, but I also want you to know that repentance is in process...I've downloaded some Chemlab in an attempt to re-educate myself.