Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Longest Yard

I remember my parents having some shindig or other when I was a little tyke. I was sent up to bed, and relegated to listening covertly from the top of the stairs to the tinkle of glasses and low buzz of conversation below. It was gut-wrenching, really, the desire to go down and share in the festivities.

I was reminded of that feeling today, as we made plans for the weekend. Turns out Chemlab will be performing on Saturday at Albion Club. We're planning to drive up Saturday morning and spend the night in the cheapest non-sketchy hotel room we can find. Trip will hit the show while I entertain the boys in the hotel room (Thank God "Madagascar" should be on the pay-per-view menu). I would sell any of several favorite appendages to get to that show, but at least I'll be just down the way. And we'll get to meet up with some of the weird and wonderful (?) guys from TSC. No, there's no link for it and yes, that's intentional. If you were supposed to be there, you'd already know the URL.

SO! I'll be mere yards from the show, and the illustrious Jared Louche (nee Jared Hendrickson) who is quite possibly one of the most charming and gifted individuals I have come across in my lifetime. At the very least, the man tells a damn fine story, and if you missed the Jared Louche GlamRock hour when it used to be on then you should slap yourself silly right this minute. It was sheer bliss. We lived in our tiny matchbox of an apartment in Herndon. It had one bedroom and not much else, but it did have a fireplace and vaulted ceilings, so we could pretend it was a penthouse haven. Friday nights, 2 bottles of red wine, a fire in the grate, and Jared's buttery gravel voice walking us through our Friday evening.

Those were the days before marriage, before kids, and before a mortgage. It was brilliant, really, and one of those things you wish you had appreciated more at the time. It's also one of those things nobody else can ever really appreciate, which pisses me off because I won't ever forget it. "I'm a Damn Genius." God, that man can tell a story.

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