Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In which I share "Too Much Personal Information..."

As T and I discussed blogs and various other topics last night (and I changed the heading to include a reference to sex which he thinks is totally unjustified since, as he put it, I have never discussed our sex life on here in any reasonable amount of detail) -- I was recalled to a conversation with a coworker of his.

We were at a poker game with several of the guys from his office. I was there (pregnant with Toby) to socialize with my friend Paige, who is married to one of T's coworkers. Anyway! Point of story:

T made one of his typical smarty-pants remarks over his shoulder as he walked out of the room... His coworker turned to me and said, sotto-voice, "uh.. YOU married him."

And, sweet, innocent-looking pregnant mommy that I was, I smiled, shrugged, and said, "yeah... well... I was drunk. And he's hung like a rhino."

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