Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Skeletons in the closet... Junk in the trunk....

My mood today is somewhat maudlin - in this case, referring to webster's second definition: 2 : weakly and effusively sentimental, rather than the first : 1 :drunk enough to be emotionally silly.
I'm sure I would fit definition 1 if I could, but I haven't been "drunk" since... oh, before I found out I was pregnant with Tobin... which is to say at least a year. (Holy Dry Heaves, Batman! Has it BEEN that long??)

Adding to the general gloom is the fact that my email client apparently gorged itself today on all of my email from the past 3 years, digesting it right out of existence. This means that I am starting over from scratch. There are currently 3 emails in my inbox, and one of them is from Papa John's confirming my order from earlier tonight. That's just sad on many many levels. Oh, and my address book? Also gone. Somebody hold me, I've lost my connections to the outside world...

Add to this the fact that Trip's car sniffed some glue, his computer drank the purple kool-aid, and my car registration is now officially expired and can't be renewed till we pay the property tax (which comes out to enough money to feed a small third-world nation for the winter.)

This is not a promising start for a new year.

It doesn't help that I have given up sweets until I can lose the bulk of this baby weight. (pun intended.)

I am officially tracking my progress towards my goal weight. If I make it public, at least I will feel there is someone to hold me accountable for doing something stupid like, say, oh... gorging myself on a large pizza.


And why am I craving butterscotch ripple?? I ASK YOU!!!

Current Weight: 200 pounds
Target Weight: 160 pounds
Ideal Weight: 145 pounds

Current Size: 18 .... Dear Heaven, that's frightening.

I think it's time for a little John Stuart injection to boost my humor.

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