Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Creepy Crawly Internet Suckage

For one reason or another, I have been unable to get a reliable connection to the interweb for more than a few minutes at a time on the wifi the last few days. Result being that many great ideas I sat down to bang out were totally gone by the time I got sick of arguing with the non-working cable modem.

I'll keep this short, since it's extraordinarily past my bedtime and I'm not sure when my connection will puke again.

Let's limit it to the hilights.

* Latest grocery shopping trip: $212 worth of groceries for $167 after coupons. ROCK!

* The dog was a disaster yesterday, and the house ended covered in animal waste. After cleaning up and starting fresh today, we ended up with only 2 accidents and one half-accident that I caught mid-squat and managed to move outside. Gizmo is learning fast.

* Jack still refuses to poop in the potty, but I may have struck on the golden bargaining chip. I told him that once he learns to do it, he will be a "big boy" and will no longer have to take a nap in his bed every afternoon. The up side here is that he will still get tired enough to nap on the couch, but he thinks he wins and I still get what I want.

* T's back is a disaster and he's convinced one leg is shorter than the other. I leave you now to do something called "The Deerfield Test". I suspect it's just an excuse to have me crawl on him while he's naked, but we'll see.....

* Started the new drugs today. A long story for another post, but the weaning is nearly complete and the pediatrician helped me come up with a way to give Toby one session in the morning and still get on the new meds and hopefully get things sorted out better.

Until next time, kids... Knowing is half the battle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you found a good middling solution with the meds. I'm ok'd for mine with slow weaning.. as long as I keep vivi on only 1 feeding a day I don't worry too muchly.

Good luck!