Sunday, September 24, 2006

Here We Go Again...

I have very few pet peeves. The ones I do have tend to be very specific. For example:

Toilet paper hung on the roll the wrong way. The paper should roll forward off the top. Seriously. And don't get me started on the paper not being hung on the roll at all, I might actually go into apoplexy.

White noise. There's enough static in my head, I really have no use for unnecessary excess fuzz. T and I have had an ongoing grudge match at night, because he is a hot sleeper who requires a fan to run all night. The man literally puts out about 1000 BTU's of pure hot-hot-heat in his sleep, and without the fan we run the risk of the bed literally bursting into flame. And so, I suck it up and talk myself down from the mental ledge and accept that THE EVIL FAN WILL RUIN YET ANOTHER NIGHT OF REST.

And finally? I detest it when people say "I have really REALLY big news, but I can't tell what it is."

And on that note? I have really REALLY big news, but I can't tell you what it is.

Which may help explain why I have been somewhat Blog MIA of late. Things are going a little crazy, and my life is turning a little bit upside down, and I promise to spill all the details as soon as is humanly possible.

But, FEAR NOT! Console yourself in knowing that Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica premieres October 6. 2 WEEKS, PEOPLE! My Starbuck girl-crush is fully a'twitter.

To make life that much more full? Jack starts preschool in just over a week. SO, 2 days a week Toby and I will have mornings alone to play, to plan, and hopefully to get some housework done before Jack comes home to tear the house apart again.

And, seriously? BSG. 2 weeks. Let the shivers of anticipation begin.


Anonymous said...

Preschool means more blogging, *not* more housework (in my world anyway).

Why be productive when one can be counter-


Sara said...

NO, toilet paper goes the other way. See in my house it becomes something of a toy...strands and pieces everywhere. We are lucky if we have usable toilet paper at any given time (thx Miah). And hey second degree burns or white noise? Last, you are mean. Big news and nothing more.