Friday, September 15, 2006

When The Other Shoe Drops

My life has been a series of moves. Every time I get settled in somewhere, it has been the calm before the storm and I knew a change was coming.

The new meds seem to be helping more than I had hoped possible. We finally have both boys going to bed at a decent hour and without any tears, and the dog is being trained at breakneck speed.

It only makes sense that the bombs would start falling now.

My parents announced they are leaving the country for at least 18 months on a religious mission to Africa. Seriously. How does that happen?

T's work situation is growing more unstsable by the day, with layoffs left and right and no certainty as to whether we'll still be employed a year from now.

With all of this insanity? The thing weighing heaviest on my mind is Jack and his potty training. Preschool starts in 2 weeks, and yesterday he "dropped some kids off at the pool" for the very first time. I was so proud I nearly wept, and I let him stay up an hour past bedtime so he could help me make chocolate chip cookie dough.

Today, though? No such luck. In fact, no poop at all.

I feel like there's a giant highway in my brain right now that says "Road Closed, All Major Exits Blocked, Please Detour Through Potty Town". Because, you know... my Mommy being in Africa for the next few years? Totally out of reach of phone calls to relate the hilights of my life or lend a supportive shoulder on the days I feel like a total failure as a mother? Not something I am prepared to ponder for any length of time at present.

At least not unless somebody wants to write me a prescription for some much stronger meds.

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