Sunday, October 15, 2006


I have this dirty little secret. I'm a bit of a drive-by lurker.

What does that mean, you ask? Yes - you- over *there*. The one who reads me and and leaves it at that because you think blogs are of the DehVeel.

It means that I read A. Lot. Of. Blogs. But I don't comment like I should, and when I do comment, I sometimes forget that I've never commented at a specific blog before and talk to the person like they might actually have the first clue who I am. Most likely, this has the effect of leaving the blogger wondering "Eh? Huh? What's this, now?" and leaving them further confused when they click my link and go "Who's this, then?"

SO, in honor of Mrs. Kennedy over at Fussy, I am announcing my participation in her amendment to National Novel Writing Month, which she has dubbed "NaBloPoMo" or "National Blog Posting Month".

On that note, I am setting myself a little goal. The first, and most obvious, is to blog every day in November -- even if I just post a recipe or my critique of the new UPS guy's calf muscles.

The second part of this little exercise is that I will be attempting to comment more regularly on at least the top 10 blogs that I read. Maybe even more - we'll see. I can't bring myself to comment just for "comments" sake, and usually reserve it for when I feel I really have something to add to the conversation. Then again, I think that a lot of YOU people do the same thing, which would explain a lot about the number of comments around here. Either that, or I just ain't hittin' those hot topics, y'all... But, hey. Maybe the UPS guy and his rock-hard calves will fix all that. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?...

So here's my challenge to you teeming dozens. In the month of November, comment like crazy! Even if it's just to say "Hi. I just ate a bagel." And leave a link (if you have one) and I'll follow it to you. And maybe? Just maybe I'll leave you a comment, too. I know... I can hear your gasp of anticipation. Please attempt to contain your excitement.

Perhaps in a thimble?

(Note: Edited to correct in-body references to "NaBloWriMo" that should have read "NaBloPoMo"... But I left the title alone so as not to totally futz with the link-backs. And because I'm not so proud that I can't leave some of my mistakes out in the open. Which, if you've been around here for any period of time, you already know. )


Anonymous said...

Hi I just ate a bagel.

And I just woke up early for alone time... How long did it last? 3 minutes. Joined now by happy (& fortunately) darling child who is excited to be alone with mommy and hubs (who is making coffee).

Since I'm a loudmouth I tend to comment on those I read...

Happy November anyway!

Kimba said...

I too am guilty of the uh, lurking. :) I've checked out your site a bit......and never commented before. That I can recall. :) Love your little boys though, and your new puppy. :) Good luck with your goal! :) I swear I've made that one too many times! Maybe this month it will work...

Sara said...

Sometime's Mel you make me think more than i want sometimes and i loose track of time. does it make sense? i suppose so. highs and lows. have a good one :)