Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The New Math

What you would have read/overheard this morning as we carried on conversation both verbally and via AIM because he's working from the home office and yes, we truly have reached that level of dorkdom:

Him: Can you brew a fresh pot of coffee? I've got to go get on this conference call....

Me: Sure.

(1o minutes later)

Him: Coffee?

Me: Oh! Shoot. Totally forgot....

(2 minutes later)

Me: Brewing now. I'll yell when it's ready.

Him: No yelling! On a conference call.

Me: Oh. I meant yelling as in "CAPITAL LETTERS VIA AIM"... but I'll bring you down a cup. But only because you love me with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns!

(20 minutes later)

Him: Coffee?

Me: Oh shoot. Totally forgot, trying to design the web site....

Him: My love is diminished to the level of 500 hundred suns....

Me: 500 Hundred would be 50,000, which would mean you love me more when I ignore you. Which I have totally suspected all along....

Him: Seems to work that way....


Anonymous said...

I'm one of your lurkers. I was dying today when I read this as I had just IMed my husband who was downstairs at his desk (after we got bored with shouting) -- he had just finished his conference call and returned with our coffee. Sometimes you are forced to realize that your life is so unoriginal ... mine is the copycat life today as I am on the west coast so you had a few hours jump on me.

Sara said...

good stuff. matt and i do the same thing and i am so glad others do it as well. cept we are yahoo peoples lol. that and we pin each other via blackberry all the darn time! simply cause neither of us can muster up the energy to shout, walk a few steps and the laptop or blackberry in hand makes it way to easy :) i love my dorkdum, do you? LOL

MeL said...

I refuse to get a blackberry. Or even a real cell phone, for that matter... still using "virgin" mobile. (totally a misnomer, and they didn't even give me a physical before signing me up, so HOW WOULD THEY KNOW?)

I finally figured out how to text message, though. Which I still don't do, because I hate scrolling through the symbols and hitting the "3" button 12 times before I actually get to the letter I was seeking in the first place.

This is not making me sound as though the meds are really working very well, now is it....