Monday, October 30, 2006

The Plague Descendeth...

Ode to the sinus, how thickly it flows
Ode to the children, how whiny they grow
With crusts of green slime hardened thick on the nose
Of husband and children who wail in their woes.

Which is my roundabout way of saying that everyone in this house but me is in the throes of some virulent and exotic head and chest cold. And me? I feel like crap, didn't get enough sleep, and am stressed to the point of freaking out in a very "Mommy Dearest" sort of way because DO THESE PEOPLE NOT KNOW HOW LOUD THEY ARE BREATHING, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY?????

Good times, people. I tell ya.

On the up side? These pills might actually be the right ones, at long last. And thanks to my brother, I am one step closer to rocking the new business. And? My parents left for Africa today. Which is in no way good news for me, but the up side of that is that I made it through the day and DID NOT CRY. Well, at least not because of that bit of news. As for the rest? I plead faulty memory. Because you will totally buy that. Especially when I do this....

Hey look! The neighbor is dressed as a Naughty Librarian for Halloween again!

See? Totally distracted you. So predictable.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have humidifiers to refill......

1 comment:

Sara said...

Happy Halloween! Hope you all feel better very very very soon :)