Monday, May 28, 2007

5 Things. Because I Can.

5 things you may not know about me, huh? Well, it's been floating around, and I may have done it a few times already, and you may be thinking "But you tell us so very much more than we wanted to know already, could there really be 5 things left that you have not already blabbed??" And the answer is quite simple. Yes. Aren't you the lucky ones?

1) Like the indubitable CrankMama I, too, am a Real Estate Hussy. I lust after a smaller house with a bigger yard, maybe an old townhouse with room in the back for a vegetable garden and some fruit trees. The dark secret is that I currently have both apple and plum trees in my yard, but have yet to make successful use of any of these fruits. Maybe this year I will aspire to making some plum jelly. If you're very very nice, I might send you some. If you're very lucky, it will not give you botulism.

2) I love to garden. Even if I'm not very good at it. This year, I finally got the large hostas divided and replanted, tried my hand at some dainty snapdragons (they're doing very well, thank you for asking) and watched the columbine come to full bloom for the first time. I feel like a six-year-old, full of joyous wonder, every time I plant something in the ground with my two little hands and it actually takes root and blossoms.

3) I have the hiccups. Right this second. Which may be related to the fact that I also have reflux and IBS. Isn't that just lovely? My GE specialist suggested cutting out foods which could aggravate these conditions: caffeine, tomatoes, spicy foods. I suggested she take me out behind the barn and have me put down, as the removal of these items from my life would suck a hefty portion of my enjoyment of it right down the crapper.

4) My eyes were brown when I was a little girl. They have since changed color, and are now mostly a very dark green with just a bit of chocolate brown circling my pupils. I have no explaination for this phenomenon, though I am sure a few minutes on Google could give me some ideas. Come to think of it, I believe my dad's eyes used to be brown, but have turned blue in recent years. Perhaps it's genetic.

5) I am obsessed with the show "Deadliest Catch". T and I watch it together religiously, and are familiar with the names and faces of all of the captains and most of the crew chiefs. I have a huge crush on Edgar Hansen, Captain Sig's little brother. I never, ever thought that watching a bunch of crab fisherman pull 800-pound crab-traps out of the ocean could be such compelling television... or that it would forever change the way I look at ordering a pound of crab legs for dinner.

So there you have it. Time to de-lurk for a moment and show yourselves in the comments! C'mon... share just 1 thing that people probably don't know about you.....


Anonymous said...

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We hope to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Edgar Hanson is hot. You are not alone in your crush.

Now to officially de-lurk: my husband is the only person who knows I have a near-crippling fear of mud. MUD.