Friday, May 11, 2007

TGIF. And stuff.

Stuff. It's happening. And I'm actually quite busy and brain-full and not just in the "look at me, I'm so dark and mysterious and totally turned inward" sort of way. There are actual THINGS! HAPPENING! Things which justify the use of all those extra capital letters. Things which I can't talk about yet - and isn't that just the pits? Totally.

Today was a nice, domestic day. Playgroup this morning, kids running wild through the house and squealing with glee as they tried to beat each others' brains out as gently as possible. Messes made and cleaned. Snacks consumed. Many juice boxes drained.

Then bubbles blown, photos taken, more snacks consumed. Naps. Music listened to. Phone calls. Life-altering decisions discussed. Cartoons watched.

It's a strange and wonderful life, isn't it?

Can you tell I've gone off the ADD meds? My train of thought is a bit more like the diverging of a freeway junction at the moment, but it's not a bad thing. Life is joyous, and I'm learning that being quite so focused is not always the answer. Slow down, enjoy the pace, sit in the sun and watch bubbles float away.

All of that, and still no indication of what is going on around here. Isn't that just infuriating? Don't I know it. Many irons in the fire. We'll see what kicks up and I'll let you know soon.

In the mean time? Time to change my hair again this weekend, and do some pre-Vegas shopping. Mama needs some new kicks and some warm-weather wear. 6 days until I board a plane and wisk away to sunnier climes. Climes with blackjack tables and sushi and the most fun girl I know. Mostly that last bit - about the girl who I will converse with until her ears likely bleed. That will be the highlight, the rest is just icing. Sweet, gooey icing.

Life is moving forward again. Isn't it grand?

(Oh, yes. It is.)


Anonymous said...

Have a great time in Vegas!!

Allie said...

3 days left!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel - are you back yet? How did things go?