Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Cat Of Amontillado.

The title of this post is not a euphemism for anything. Really. One of our two cats, Chloe, actually managed to get herself trapped behind a wall today. Our unfinished laundry room is one of her favorite hiding places, because she can jump up into the ceiling and wander around the space between the floors over the room next door.

Today, it seems, she somehow lost her footing along the far edge at the outside wall and spent a good hour or so trapped behind the sheet rock. We listened to her mew pathetically and constantly for a good half hour or so while we debated the best course of action.

It would be important to note that we were just on our way out the door at the time. The boys were in the van, buckled into their respective car seats, and the dog had been loaded into the cargo bay. We were all set to go spend the day planting Gigi's new vegetable garden (to include pumpkin plants so they boys can grow their very own jack-o-lanterns this Halloween!)

After T spent a few minutes tearing a hole in the wall (with a claw hammer, 'natch) inside the closet where we could hear she was, he found a wood stud between him and our freaked feline. We were debating the relative stupidity of tearing another hole in the wall when, at last, she managed to claw her way back up to the ceiling. She exited the laundry room and nonchalantly settled herself back upstairs on the dining table.

That may be what prompted my immediate vision of doing her in by way of roasting in garlic butter.

So, with the day pretty much shot to hell (not to mention all our nerves), we ate pizza leftovers for lunch and have settled in for a quiet afternoon of sitting as still as possible while barely maintaining consciousness. The upside here? I get to learn to patch drywall! Yet another skill to add to my household repair utility belt.

The downside being, of course, (besides totally scrapping our plans for the day) that there is yet another household chore to be done before we can make a move towards selling this house and moving in closer to civilization.

Which brings me to the fact that I have yet to make the new living room curtains. I think I just figured out what to do with my afternoon. Dang.

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