Thursday, June 21, 2007

Weekly World... Not-So-Much News.

(Back posting because somehow I hit "save" instead of "publish" when this was written on Thursday...)

Strange week. T's last week at his old job. Monday we leave for Ohio, for 3 days of mini-vacation.

First stop: Harry London's Chocolate Factory. My mother would quite possibly club me over the head and sell me for parts in order to take this tour. 45 minutes with a guide to show us around each and every stage of the chocolate making process. Then we get to buy things at the gift shop. Because my pants are not tight enough yet - I can still breathe.

Second stop: Pro Football Hall of Fame and Museum. In which I will smile, nod, and attempt to distract my husband from the fact that I know almost nothing about the history of the game of American Football. Actually, I know almost nothing about the history of ANY sport. I don't know the famous players, I don't know who won the very first Super Bowl, and I don't know who holds the records for most rushing yards in a single season. My husband? He knows all of these things. In mind-numbing detail. So this stop on the Family Sightseeing Tour '07 is completely and entirely for him. Which is totally okay, as it is the almost-30-year-old-man's equivalent of taking a four-year-old to Disney World and telling him that he gets to live there.

Third stop: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. All the little chicks with the crimson lips yell CLEVELAND ROCKS!! Okay, so I have never been to Cleveland, and I have no personal knowledge of whether or not it does, in fact, rock. That said, I am excited to drool over the Rock and Roll Icons of yester-yore and maybe drool on Janis Joplin's Porsche. Because I loves me some Rock and Roll. (So put another dime in the frackin' jukebox, baby...)

Fourth stop: This will be up for some debate, as we are equivocating between Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens and the Akron Zoo. The manor house and gardens would be more fun for mom and dad to check out, but with the kiddies in tow methinks the zoo is probably the more sound choice. Plus? They have snow leopard. SNOW LEOPARD! Those things are too cute to be real, and provide instant good juju. Plus they're endangered. So if I'm gonna get that snow leopard coat, I guess I should hurry before there aren't any left. (Before I get hacked by PETA: I'm kidding. Besides, Snow Leopard is sooo last season. All the cool kids are wearing Manatee this summer!)

So, yeah. I've been on a Carribbean Cruise. Wandered the streets of Old New Orleans (before the levees broke). Conquered Manhattan. Been beach-combing in Maui? Check.

This year? I brave the wilds of the Ohio frontier. I WILL get to see my sister (HI KIM!) which is waaaay cooler than another trip to some exotic place. (Hey, when you live in West Virginia, almost any place is exotic.)

1 comment:

Mocha said...

You lead a wild life, chicky. Stick with the snow leopard, though. Screw PETA. If I eat the snow leopard first is that better? Geez.

Have fun in Ohio.