Saturday, June 02, 2007

More Tasteful Bullet-Point Decor

* Yard sale = success. Sold off a good bit of stuff, bought some other stuff from the neighbors. Space-wise and monetarily, we broke about even. Except now I have a really cool hiking baby-pack for Toby. Which means that (seeing as how we are exactly 2 miles from a segment of it) we might actually manage to meander down a bit of the App. Trail before we die. Or at least before he outgrows the pack.

* Speaking of Tobin, I think aliens have finally taken him over entirely, as he has gone from the "point and grunt" school of communication to sudden speech. I asked him if he wanted some milk, and he turned around to get it and said "YES!". We took him to visit his grandmommy (whom we affectionately refer to as "Gigi") and he managed to call her by name at least twice. I'm waiting for the end of next week, at which point I expect him to say something along the lines of "Foolish woman, bring me my diaper" in the voice of Stewie from The Family Guy.

* I just invented a spectacular cookie. Cream cheese mixed with Nestle Quick plus a dash of cinnamon, sandwiched between graham crackers. It rocks.

* I have decided to delegate all responsibility to Jack for the rest of the day. Please refer all communications directly to him. Expect to receive his own name, typed repeatedly, in reply. It happens to be the only word he has ever typed on the keyboard. It will be at least as helpful as anything my tired brain could come up with today.

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