Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Soothing The Savage "Me"

Ok, show of hands: Who knew that June was already nearly half over? Seriously? Because.. um. Didn't we just get through May?


The time, she is flying. And the Mama, she is not keeping up. And I don't know why I'm talking this way. I think I need a hug. Or maybe a short stint in a padded cell - but I digress.

Tonight we calmed our ruffled nerves (Helllllooooooo. Last 2 weeks. New job for the hubby soon. Little bit of Limbo up in here.) ... (Not the kind with the limbo stick.)...(Or the kind between heaven and hell.) ... (Scratch that. This is exactly the kind between heaven and hell.)

Have I mentioned we won't know for a few months, yet, if we are going to move to Europe? Yeah. I feel like someone shoved a live wire up my butt. You are welcome for that visual, by the way.

... So yeah. Tonight we calmed our ruffled nerves the way we solve just about everything. FOOD!

Grilled Delmonico Steaks (medium rare, of course). Grilled zucchini. Fresh asparagus, pan fried in toasted sesame oil. Sliced button mushrooms, sauteed in butter, chopped garlic, and a splash of red wine.

Bliss. Even if my pee is going to stink to high heaven for at least a week after all the asparagus I shoveled down my gullet. Again, you are so very welcome for that visual.

While we are on the topic of my bodily functions, I should go ahead and mention one other thing. A short while back, I got a comment from a marketing rep for a product called "Align". It's a probiotic that's supposed to help with IBS. They offered to send me a free two-month supply to test out. I checked out the online literature, and it sounded promising enough. So I said, as long as there were no strings attached, hey, I was game. Sure enough, a small package arrived in yesterday's mail.

So, I will be occassionally updating the internets on the state of my bowels. I know, I do that anyway, right? But now it's, like, necessary. I've had trouble eating yogurt since my first pregnancy (not because it bothers my digestion, just one of those annoying aversions) and since that's the only other way I know of to add good probiotics to the system, this is a handy alternative. IF it works, that is. I'll keep y'all posted.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go curl up with some Alaskan Crab Fishermen and a cup of herbal tea. Again? Bliss.

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