Saturday, July 21, 2007

Long Live The King

The king has returned. The man? He is back in the castle. All is right with the world.

We celebrated his homecoming by heading out for sushi at the new-ish local place, where they have something called a "Good Time Roll" that includes tempura flakes, cream cheese, and cherry brandy sauce. Need I say more? Yes, the good times... they rolled. And then the children spontaneously combusted at the shock of things going back to normal, and Mommy and Daddy crawled into bed in a stupor and immediately passed out.

I took a mental health day today. For all our sakes, this had to happen.

First I hit up ye olde Haircuttery and had a few inches hacked off my (crooked since I chopped it myself in a fit of frustration) hair. The back is now textured, tapered, and fluffy, while the top and front are still long and shaggy. It's not a bad look for me, and somehow manages to toe the line between Too Much Punk Rock and "oh no!" Mom hair. Pictures to be posted sometime next century or when I find the stupid battery charger, whichever comes first.

Following the haircut I headed over to Kohls and picked up a few things to get me through till I lose enough weight to move completely into the next smaller size. Thank providence for their sales, I got out of there for under 30 bucks with a couple decent shirts.

Capped off the day with a 3 mile jog and a few minutes of David Beckham footage. That man? He is easy on the eyes.

Finally, got the news that my Gram had surgery today, it went well, and it looks like she's going to be okay. I've been actively trying to not think about her being in the hospital - a necessary tactic when one is half a continent away. But she is on the mend, and expected to recover quite nicely.

Remember when I said that everything was going to be okay? I love it when a plan comes together. Cheers.

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