Sunday, July 08, 2007

Ways Not To Spend A Sunday.

I don't recommend spending your afternoon counting the minutes since your husband left to catch his flight to a far-away land. It's really not productive, and does nothing to get that sinkful of dishes clean.

I also don't recommend checking your email on a Sunday afternoon unless absolutely necessary, as it may possibly contain delicious little tidbits such as the following:

14:00, It has been noticed that our city water is brown.
Independent Fire Company IS using a Hydrant in our neighborhood to fill their truck for a Drill.
Calls are being made to see if there is anything out of order with this. In the interim:
-Do NOT wash clothes
-Do NOT Drink water
-Do NOT Bathe

They report that they are done drafting from our Hydrant, but the backwash (stirred up rust, dirt, etc. from idle pipes) could be in place for up to 24 hours.

That is just so freaking awesome, I can't begin to tell you.

Also? I do not recommend reading the newspaper, as it lately contains mostly bad news. Sitting on a chair to read the news online is also not a good idea, especially if your back is messed up and the pain increases exponentially upon remaining in the same position for very long.

Finally.. I do not recommend eating leftover pizza for lunch while whining on the internet about what a crappy day you are having. It definitely upsets the stomach.

I'm going to go watch a movie with Jack and giggle about all that laundry we need to fold and put away. See it? That laundry? Over there? It's gonna stay there at least one more day. Because the one thing I do recommend doing on a Sunday is taking a nap with a snuggly almost-four-year-old who tells stories about magic cars who visit far away lands. Lands where there are castles. (Because that's where Daddy is headed. Faraway Prague, and its castles.)

That's not a bad way to spend a Sunday.

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