Saturday, February 09, 2008

Better Late Than Never (No Pun Intended)

I am late posting this, I realize. And now that it's Saturday there is a good chance that you people have lives (as opposed to, say, yours truly, who is at this moment also watching Johnny and the Sprites and just realized there are no children in the room. Send help. And cookies.)

But I have good reasons. I really do. You see, I am also.. well, LATE.

Yes, that kind of late.

Because I have not yet achieved optimum crazy, we will be welcoming Small Person Who Expects To Be Fed and Cared For Number Three this fall. Somewhere in the interim we will also be holding a "Bon Voyage and it was nice knowin' ya" party for the few parts of my body not yet covered in stretch marks.

Actually, though, so that there's no confusion here: We Are Ecstatic. I am ecstatic. Of course, I am also so tired that I keep falling asleep before nine o'clock. And I may or may not have eaten an entire pan of peach cobbler before bed last night - can't say for sure.

But, yes. Hello internets. In case you didn't already know?

Fertile as the Tennessee Valley in this house. Enjoy your weekend, and tune in Monday to hear more fascinating facts... like how I suddenly can't eat my favorite breakfast sandwiches, or how all milk and cheese suddenly smells like feet.

I can just feel your anticipation!


C. L. Hanson said...

Congratulations!!! :D

Sugarplum's Mom said...

Congrats on number 3!!

Aerin said...
