Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Under Penalty Of Law

My sister went and tagged me. And, being that I am hormonal and emotional and that holy freaking crap, my boobs hurt, it's actually a relief to have this post write itself.

For the record, though? Vinegar cravings: check. Bloated like a drowned corpse: check. Falling asleep without warning: check.

But a sudden craving for a Wendy's baked potato? Really? And since when does the slightest tinge of hunger mean a wave of nausea? And when did children's television become so emotional? Because I don't remember Oswald getting me misty-eyed before.

Not that I'm complaining.... I mean, this is probably my last pregnancy. I guess I should enjoy the weirdness, aye? In a way, it makes my usual life seem almost... normal. *grin*

AND, away we go.

What was I doing ten years ago?
I was getting ready to run, screaming into the night, from BYU. I'd been in a stark clinical depression for months, without having any idea what depression was. I kept a blanket over my window and slept most of the day, worked nights at a movie theather, and cleaned house for one of my sisters on Fridays. I had no money, only one friend I trusted to talk to, and no idea where I was headed. I was just beginning my journey out of Mormonism, starting to put words to the feelings and ideas I was struggling with. It was the most difficult time of my life.

What are five things on my to do list?
Finish my crochet project
Finish Barack Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope"
Find 5 new recipes to try out for dinners next week
Research how I'd go about starting a vegetable garden in the back yard
Get ready for my new business venture this summer (more on that in a later post)

What are three of my bad habbits?
Biting my fingernails
Leaving wrappers around the house
Making "to-do" piles on the counter; bills to pay, letters to write, appointments to schedule, etc.

Places I have lived?
Washington, Michigan, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, California, Washington D.C., West Virginia

What are some things that most people don't know about me?
I have no known allergies except for very mild hayfever.
I had no idea how to cook until encouraged by my mother-in-law to learn. Now, I'm actually quite pleased with my culinary skills.
One of my most cherished dreams is to write and illustrate a children's book.
I never talk religion with my family, except for one sister I'm extremely close to, and I'm not even sure my whole family is aware I officially ended my membership in the LDS Church.

And THAT, my friends, will bring us to a close for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to actually... like.. get dressed, and stuff. My kids are mumbling something about snack time, and I try to be at least mostly-dressed for preschool drop-off in the afternoons.

Yours in sleepy, sleepy, oh my howdy the tired is like a disease and I actually fell asleep folding laundry the other day and can't you see how all these italics are stressing the depths of my tired, tired Amen.

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