Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday Roundup

* No. I can't talk about IT yet... but I promise to talk about it tomorrow. Then? I promise to talk about IT ad nauseaum thereafter. Mucho mysterioso, no?

* Happy Chinese New Year, and welcome to The Year of The Rat (also known by its former name of Wu Zi). I don't really know much about the holiday, except that in elementary school there was usually a kid from China in my class who would bring little red envelopes with celophane fish in them. Obviously, I am a wealth of cultural knowledge....

* If anyone really, REALLY loved me they would buy this for me. I'd ask for the one from the official site, but they are sold out. Plus, the baseball jersey style will work for cold-weather wear as well as into the summer - once he wins the nomination, of course. *cough* Oh, and then again when he is President Of The Galactic Alliance.

* What the hell is going on in Washington? Do they think that because it's an election year we aren't paying attention? And then of course there's this. Which makes me wonder -- if the the really bad guys are all at this secret camp, doesn't that mean that we know that the guys we're holding in Gitmo GenPop are probably not the really bad guys? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller???

1 comment:

T. said...

A response:

There may not be a rift ideologically but there are millions more
voters who are drawn to obama who stay home and stay out of politics,
especially the energy the democratic party needs, for another decade
or more if Hillary takes the nomination through any other way than
pure delegates (and let's not talk about her scheming ways about
Florida and Michigan).

They are not ideologically different, not that much, except obama
applies his policies with grace (not mandating health care) and
judgment (not voting for the Iraq war). He has contains hope and
wisdom. Hillary is just more of the same. Clinton years, in
hindsight, arent that good and they cost us the White House and with
their divisive politics created the climate we're living in today.
Her claim to experience is a history of failure, hard nose politics
and cynical campaigning. I suppose you could say that's experience
but inspiration, hope and wisdom can combat any crony in Washington.

It is the people who truly can make a difference - not looking to a
leader who is a wonk, an institutional machine - coupled with an
leader who can inspire, bridge gaps and bring opportunity to those
around them. I appreciate a technocrat as much as the next person but
technocrats will not inspire the nation, command leadership around the
world or inspire those outside the system to reach in and rise up.

Clinton, Bill or Hillary, never inspired and never will. They create
an awesome political duo and Bill Clinton is one of the smartest
Presidents in history - politically minded and otherwise - but also
fatally flawed. That history is Hillary and Hillary is that history.
If she win, and she still may, she will bring with her to the general
election all that scandal and history which will create another 4
years of 50+1 politics. She will NOT pass health care reform, not
because he idea isn't good but because the republicans will NEVER fall
in line because she is NOT a leader.

I wonder if now she could even say "i'm conceding". Even now she's
talking about rigging the delegates to bring FL and MI into the fold
so she can magically gain delegates. Even now she says she's a
"dreamer" politician. Even now she cannot say she made a mistake. A
mistake in approving the war. She is just like GW - you cannot say
"in hindsight I'd vote otherwise". You either say, I did it or you
regret it. I supported the war and in hindsight I wish I didn't.
That's me personally. My ego can take that and what kind of leader
cannot readily admit their mistakes? Bush couldn't, Hillary won't...
do we need more of that? I sincerely don't think so and I don't think
you do either.
