Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rationalizing His Irrationality...

T has been hesitant to spread the good news of our pregnancy, preferring to play it close to the vest and keep it to ourselves for a while longer. I suspect the reason is mostly carryover anxiety from the lost pregnancy last summer, but - being a man - he keeps coming up with alternative (and increasingly improbable) excuses for his reluctance.

Take today, for example:

Me: So did you tell your boss about the baby yet?

T: Not yet. Tomorrow, I swear.

Me: mmhmm

T: Hey, it's not as easy as you make it out to be! How do I bring that up in casual conversation?! What if he's jealous because he wants me all to himself? What if he freaks out because the kid might be his? Have you even thought of that?

Me: Um.. no. And there's a good reason for that. Did you really just suggest that this baby isn't yours?

T: Um.. no? But it could have been implanted in you by a master alien race of lizards. You know, like immaculate conception.

Me: Like Jesus?

T: Exactly! But in alien-lizard form.

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